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Member Since 01 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 01 2015 01:03 PM

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In Topic: DIY: make ur factory keyless entry flash the indicators

01 January 2015 - 11:26 AM

Hey guys, first post, just stumbled upon this while googling for remote locking options for my 00 outback.

I know that the outback's came with remote locking as an option, but when I got mine it didn't have a remote (had it for 12 months now) but figured that I should be able to get that sorted easily enough.

I know that a lot of vehicles where remote locking in an option, they will still have all the wiring in the vehicle, just no remotes. So I went out to find this little box just now, but found nothing... So, my question is, if mine didn't come with it, how easy is it to put it in? I didn't see a free plug that the box would go in to, so would just finding one in a wreckers possibly be out of the question?