I picked this up from the docks last week (one of the reasons why I wasn't at the meet this week fellas):

Gave her a wash with the poo change from in the ash tray:

I'm pretty happy how she scrubbed up:

Came with a dead engine - was hoping for an easy fix with something that may have been over looked but that was not the case:

Still no joy - lots of leprauchan jackhammer noises under the bonnet, loads of smoke out the back and from a dodgy crank case ventilation system once trying to move the vehicle at anything more than a snail's pace... I managed to line her up for a pic with her new family:

Then moved her to the shed while I try to work out the best option for the engine - would love an original block and heads to rebuild to keep it stock but finding a set hasn't come about yet.

^ note the smoke haze in the shed lights, that was from crawling her in there. This engine makes the nastiest engine noises I've ever heard...
I'm looking forward to two things:
1\ Getting it on the road to enjoy the driving experience of the RS (and first boosted ride) and
2\ Giving it a good clean inside and out, especially the undercarriage!
Future plans consist of a set of factory rims if I find a set that the minister of fun and finance allows me to purchase. For now the rims are ok and the tyres even better

That's it for now. Updates will come as they happen/are worth sharing
