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Ben's IJN Ugly Betty aka Gen5 Legacy

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#1 allpaw4


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Posted 25 May 2024 - 10:33 AM

G'day all. Time for the upcoming new daily to get a thread all of its own.
The old venerable H6 gen3 waghoon has gotten to a point where it requires more money than its worth to get it running properly again.
So after enjoying the sheer amount of stuff I can get into the wagon chassis due to baby stuff, it was time to start looking for a newer one. Gen4's are now in the same boat as the H6, with way too many kms on them for the price. So enter the wildly unpopular gen5! All the aussie delivered turbo versions have sunroofs, which essentially rules them out for my ownership.
Also been wanting a proper legacy for a long LONG time (I'm looking at you S401!), so I knew this was probably going to be my one and only chance to get myself into one. Did a few checks around and found the 2.0 DIT was on the SEVS list. Even got so far as looking through the auctions, and talking seriously with Iron Chef Imports, only to be stopped in my tracks by the bank, who deemed importing a car as "outside their risk profile".
I didn't want to deal with interest rates for a secured loan at around 15% (which seemed to be the going rate for lenders that would allow importing), so the next step was to find someone selling one locally, that already had australian rego on it, as this would be acceptable by my local financial institution, and get me into the 7 to 8% interest rate range that I wanted.
So, as luck would have it, one popped up in Melbourne a couple of weeks later. Took a while to be able to actually get some time to go and have a look at the car, but I can happily say that everything is going well, and it should be in my driveway tomorrow.
Is a 2013 BRG Legacy, with eyesight. Stock pretty well everything. Still has the japanese ETC thingo even.
Pretty sure its got the DVD/HDD/Navi head unit in it, thats likely not going to be changed, despite being in japanese, as its all been hooked into an Alpine roof mount monitor as well. I'll figure out what does what on it and leave it at that probably.
In the mean time, I've been doing my usual browsing of Yahoo Japan, and found a few nice additions for it...
Full black interior pieces and roof lining.
Full set of wagon tS black leather/alcantara seats with red stitching.
Full set of tS door cards to match the seats
tS steering wheel and STi logo airbag
This lot should be fitted in a month or 3, depending on how much time I get to the shed of course...
Also bought a Japanese 2013 Legacy FSM as well, as the international/US FSM's don't include any of the FA20 details. Not cheap, but almost an essential item.
There will be further bits and bobs for the exterior and mechanical sides ordered in the coming months, but for now I want something to make it appear more modern and comfortable inside.
So that's the new daily.

MY00 Red RX, a nice daily that was sold off once the B4 became reliable...
MY02 Blue B4, aka 'The Project' - v8 JDM STi engine package and assorted other 'goodies' - Sold, then bought back for parts. Stripped and crushed.
MY03 Blue RX, the newer old daily, pretty well more B4 than RX now... In the process of being converted to the track toy... Watch this space!
MY02 Silver Wagon, H6 conversion, full blue/black leather and almost full black interior to go with it. In process of being stripped and sold off.
MY03 White/Silver H6 Outback, donor car for silver waghoon. Scrapped.
MY97 Silver RX, acquired to become track car, but plans changed. Scrapped.

MY13 BRG, current daily, very nice to drive, small mods to make it even nicer again.

#2 Beckers


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Posted 26 May 2024 - 02:32 PM

Glad you are happy with the new to you Legacy.

FA20 & CVT is not my first choice of driveline, but hey.

Those eyesight cameras are big $ lets hope it never fails.

Make sure you have glass cover on your insurance, as ES windscreens can be up to 3K, most aftermarket ones don't work well with them.

#3 allpaw4


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Posted 26 May 2024 - 05:40 PM

Ok, thanks for that Simon, what aspect of the ES fails? I see the cameras up on yahoo for not much fairly regularly, is it worth picking up a spare?
I'll check insurance on the windscreens too, definitely worth adding the coverage.
The FA20 doesn't phase me too much, but the manual is something I certainly miss. That said though, the drive home from Melton was certainly fairly easy. CVT seems to be faultless at the moment, even if it is very boring.


MY00 Red RX, a nice daily that was sold off once the B4 became reliable...
MY02 Blue B4, aka 'The Project' - v8 JDM STi engine package and assorted other 'goodies' - Sold, then bought back for parts. Stripped and crushed.
MY03 Blue RX, the newer old daily, pretty well more B4 than RX now... In the process of being converted to the track toy... Watch this space!
MY02 Silver Wagon, H6 conversion, full blue/black leather and almost full black interior to go with it. In process of being stripped and sold off.
MY03 White/Silver H6 Outback, donor car for silver waghoon. Scrapped.
MY97 Silver RX, acquired to become track car, but plans changed. Scrapped.

MY13 BRG, current daily, very nice to drive, small mods to make it even nicer again.

#4 Barbbachello


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Posted 27 May 2024 - 10:41 AM

Sick. The gen 5 in legacy spec actually looks good imo.

Classic situation of current car needs too much money, better spend 10x the amout getting a new one and bits for it


#5 allpaw4


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Posted 27 May 2024 - 12:14 PM

Hahaha, pretty much Nick, although big difference in value. At this point I'm literally throwing good money after bad with the gen3. Spend what the car is worth on replacement parts that MIGHT fix the issues, and run the risk of the damn thing shitting the bed 12 months later, cos the only spares available of the type I need are just as old as the car, and just as prone to failing...

Went through the head unit and hooked in my phone to it. Despite being in japanese, once I used google lens to translate a few screens, its easy to get around. One thing that is a pain is that the japanese FM band is very narrow, so 90% of aussie stations are out of its range. She'll be right.

There'll be a few exterior mods done in time too Nick, so it'll only get better. Just got to wait a few more months to be able to afford them.

MY00 Red RX, a nice daily that was sold off once the B4 became reliable...
MY02 Blue B4, aka 'The Project' - v8 JDM STi engine package and assorted other 'goodies' - Sold, then bought back for parts. Stripped and crushed.
MY03 Blue RX, the newer old daily, pretty well more B4 than RX now... In the process of being converted to the track toy... Watch this space!
MY02 Silver Wagon, H6 conversion, full blue/black leather and almost full black interior to go with it. In process of being stripped and sold off.
MY03 White/Silver H6 Outback, donor car for silver waghoon. Scrapped.
MY97 Silver RX, acquired to become track car, but plans changed. Scrapped.

MY13 BRG, current daily, very nice to drive, small mods to make it even nicer again.

#6 Barbbachello


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Posted 27 May 2024 - 12:38 PM

You can get band expander things that will get it to work

Does the HVAC or anything else run through the head unit?


#7 allpaw4


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Posted 27 May 2024 - 02:58 PM

That might be the go, cheers Nick, I'll look into that one.
As far as anything else running, not that I'm aware of. There are facia kits for the gen5 for mounting aftermarket stezzas, but given everything works, and it has every input under the sun available to it, its fairly unlikely I'll swap it out. I'll be having a quick look around to see if I can update the firmware to english, but other than that I'm pretty happy with it. DVD player and roof mount screen as well as the 8 or 9" factory screen in the dash is pretty cool.

ETC system yells at you in japanese every so often. Corner proximity sensors do the same. Still working out the finer details.

Gave it a boot full once Seb was asleep this arvo (he needed to sleep by a certain time, so a drive is the easiest way to guarantee that), and it just doesn't slow down like a traditional manual or auto during gear changes. The CVT does its job nicely, just holds boost and gives consistent torque the whole time. Constant boost from rolling to 100kph. Not something I'm used to, and probably won't be putting noisy mufflers on it, as it would just drone, theres no rise and fall of revs as you accelerate. Initially was thinking of getting some, but after today's drive, that idea is likely gone.

MY00 Red RX, a nice daily that was sold off once the B4 became reliable...
MY02 Blue B4, aka 'The Project' - v8 JDM STi engine package and assorted other 'goodies' - Sold, then bought back for parts. Stripped and crushed.
MY03 Blue RX, the newer old daily, pretty well more B4 than RX now... In the process of being converted to the track toy... Watch this space!
MY02 Silver Wagon, H6 conversion, full blue/black leather and almost full black interior to go with it. In process of being stripped and sold off.
MY03 White/Silver H6 Outback, donor car for silver waghoon. Scrapped.
MY97 Silver RX, acquired to become track car, but plans changed. Scrapped.

MY13 BRG, current daily, very nice to drive, small mods to make it even nicer again.

#8 duncanm


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Posted 27 May 2024 - 04:22 PM

FA20DIT looks like a cracker of an engine.. not so sure on the CVT, so will be interested to see how that goes.  Seems they changed the way it shifts to a more fixed-gear feel for the latest WRX's ?

#9 allpaw4


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Posted 27 May 2024 - 05:44 PM

I think so Duncan, you can use the flappy paddles and sport shift "manual" tiptronic setup if you want, but in drive it went straight to ~2500 and then slowly increased to ~2900rpm on the pull, be interesting to see how it goes in S# mode. I've seen it select gear "8" at highway speed, but talking to my mechanic in the family and he said they started putting smarts in the newer models to tell the gearbox to mimic an auto with gear changes, because people were being freaked out by the engine just going straight to the most economical rev range and just holding it...

We'll see how both go. Not my first CVT, as the wife had one in her X-trail, but certainly my first experience with the FA20.


MY00 Red RX, a nice daily that was sold off once the B4 became reliable...
MY02 Blue B4, aka 'The Project' - v8 JDM STi engine package and assorted other 'goodies' - Sold, then bought back for parts. Stripped and crushed.
MY03 Blue RX, the newer old daily, pretty well more B4 than RX now... In the process of being converted to the track toy... Watch this space!
MY02 Silver Wagon, H6 conversion, full blue/black leather and almost full black interior to go with it. In process of being stripped and sold off.
MY03 White/Silver H6 Outback, donor car for silver waghoon. Scrapped.
MY97 Silver RX, acquired to become track car, but plans changed. Scrapped.

MY13 BRG, current daily, very nice to drive, small mods to make it even nicer again.

#10 El_Freddo


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Posted 29 May 2024 - 10:29 PM

Sweet looking ride Ben!

I’m not sure about the idea of the cvt - never driven one. Auto is about as far as I want to go away from a manual if it’s unavoidable. But that’s me.

That audio issue, the MCM boys covered a mod to add car play etc to older models with an integrated entertainment system in their latest VIP-ness video. It could be something that does what you’re chasing and possibly more.

As for the eye sight stuff, toatally agree with getting windscreen replacements covered by your insurance - those eye sight screens are Uber expensive compared to a regular windscreen. I can’t tell you what the difference is but always ensure the replacement windscreen is certified for the ES system, or genuine.

Looking forward to all the interior being swapped over to see the difference.

How long before it’s on a performance enhancing regime?!


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#11 allpaw4


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Posted 30 May 2024 - 12:04 PM

Cheers Bennie, pretty happy with it so far!
That little mod looks like a great addition, especially given the japanese navigation doesn't work over here! Will look further into that one!

When I say this unit has every input under the sun, its got Navigation, DVD, HDD, USB, Bluetooth, Reverse camera, even SD card. The radio band needs correcting same as every other japanese car per Barbs comment, as it is 76 to 90MHz, whereas we are (I think) 88 to 108MHz, but besides that, all is good. Going to go through the settings later today and fine tune a few things, haven't had enough time to really look further than getting my phone connected.

Checked the insurance and theres one windscreen a year on the policy, but I'll be talking to whoever does it should I need one prior to them actually doing it to make sure they put the right one in. This thing has auto headlights and wipers as well, so I'm tipping genuine is going to the only way to do it right...

Once I get everything over and installed, I'll put up some pics. Should be a good thing, albeit a while away. Steering wheel was only won a week ago, and needs to be combined with other items before being sent. Despite the inflator being removed, Japanpost are still very wary of airbag modules, meaning the wheel cant be sent on its own. All comes down to who reads and signs off on the paperwork. I get the feeling some clerks are more astute than others!

Haha, probably a while Bennie! While my main focus at the moment is looks and interior, this will soon shift to the exterior and suspension side. Not sure if I'll do anything actual performance wise, as that gets very expensive, and takes away funds from the actual race car, which, per having another newborn, is back to being left alone again! Had plans while on parental leave, but they haven't been touched. Toddler makes it impossible!

Only change made since purchase so far has been putting my jap plates from the wagon onto this. Got to adjust them a bit, as the chrome legacy surrounds don't work overly well with the factory plate backings from japan. Once I've got them right I'll post a photo.

Cheers all!

MY00 Red RX, a nice daily that was sold off once the B4 became reliable...
MY02 Blue B4, aka 'The Project' - v8 JDM STi engine package and assorted other 'goodies' - Sold, then bought back for parts. Stripped and crushed.
MY03 Blue RX, the newer old daily, pretty well more B4 than RX now... In the process of being converted to the track toy... Watch this space!
MY02 Silver Wagon, H6 conversion, full blue/black leather and almost full black interior to go with it. In process of being stripped and sold off.
MY03 White/Silver H6 Outback, donor car for silver waghoon. Scrapped.
MY97 Silver RX, acquired to become track car, but plans changed. Scrapped.

MY13 BRG, current daily, very nice to drive, small mods to make it even nicer again.

#12 Barbbachello


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Posted 30 May 2024 - 02:50 PM

Just noticed the radiator has turned brown. 

That is on borrowed time to split the end tank. Would absolutely plan to replace that before it lets go 


#13 allpaw4


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Posted 30 May 2024 - 03:03 PM

Yeah, its on the list of things to do sooner rather than later. Probably be a few weeks away. EOFY sales will assist more than likely.

Checked the spare K2 401 style scoop I have in the shed, slightly different design so it doesn't fit the gen5. Shame.

MY00 Red RX, a nice daily that was sold off once the B4 became reliable...
MY02 Blue B4, aka 'The Project' - v8 JDM STi engine package and assorted other 'goodies' - Sold, then bought back for parts. Stripped and crushed.
MY03 Blue RX, the newer old daily, pretty well more B4 than RX now... In the process of being converted to the track toy... Watch this space!
MY02 Silver Wagon, H6 conversion, full blue/black leather and almost full black interior to go with it. In process of being stripped and sold off.
MY03 White/Silver H6 Outback, donor car for silver waghoon. Scrapped.
MY97 Silver RX, acquired to become track car, but plans changed. Scrapped.

MY13 BRG, current daily, very nice to drive, small mods to make it even nicer again.

#14 El_Freddo


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Posted 30 May 2024 - 08:15 PM

Hahaha… I know how kids are big brakes on projects! Shame you can’t fit them to your race car, it’s stop on a dime :lol:

Slow boat will make it all the more awesome when you get the parts!

Having kids is when you need to convert the lounge room to the workshop to get anything done on your projects…


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#15 RX25SE


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Posted 20 June 2024 - 10:07 PM

Nice looking ride Ben and should be pretty sweet when you've finished the mods. I can't say I've ever seen Gen5 Legacy, are they thin on the ground here?


Also, what's with the 'no sunroof' deal? Just don't like them?

If I told you I was a compulsive liar, would you believe me?


#16 El_Freddo


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Posted 22 June 2024 - 10:03 AM

Also, what's with the 'no sunroof' deal? Just don't like them?

Because CAMS licensing does not allow sunroofs? :lol:


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#17 timslib


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Posted 22 June 2024 - 09:41 PM

Wicked good Benny! Love it. The gen 5 Legacy is a genuinely nice car.


Very keen to see it in the flesh soon.

#18 allpaw4


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Posted 22 June 2024 - 09:59 PM

Cheers Jase, yeah, got a few little things planned lol. Found out yesterday that this thing also has billies in it, which saves a little mucking around, but also means they need replacing soonish 😉

Not sure about how many are around locally, but theres a few available on carsales from various importers. I was just restricted by which interest rate I was willing to accept.

Hahaha, not sure what CAMS would think of a sun roof Bennie! But in all seriousness, sunroofs and Ben dont mix lol. 6' 8" doesn't allow me to have such luxuries unless the roof line is fairly high, which generally means SUV's and people movers. I got in an aussie delivered sedan a few doors down from home with a sun roof before I decided to go down this path. Even with the seat fully dropped, my head was scratching the roof liner, so any sort of decent bump was gonna be ouch...

Also have found out the gen5 chassis is surprisingly rigid. The entrance to daycare is pretty nasty for even semi lowered cars, and I need to go in on the angle in both the gen3 and this thing. Difference is, even with stock billies, this thing picks up wheels...

Should have the tS door cards next week, upper black plastics are probably a few weeks away, but the roof lining to suit the eyesight is still another few weeks away from Melbourne, let alone home. Not the easiest things to organise freight for...
Been toying around with the audio side of things and come to the conclusion that adding android auto to the stock unit isnt possible. Even going through the usual places, its all replacement units for the legacy. So despite my push back earlier in this thread, I'll probably go down the line of replacing the headunit later down the track...

Anyways, will catch you all laters!


MY00 Red RX, a nice daily that was sold off once the B4 became reliable...
MY02 Blue B4, aka 'The Project' - v8 JDM STi engine package and assorted other 'goodies' - Sold, then bought back for parts. Stripped and crushed.
MY03 Blue RX, the newer old daily, pretty well more B4 than RX now... In the process of being converted to the track toy... Watch this space!
MY02 Silver Wagon, H6 conversion, full blue/black leather and almost full black interior to go with it. In process of being stripped and sold off.
MY03 White/Silver H6 Outback, donor car for silver waghoon. Scrapped.
MY97 Silver RX, acquired to become track car, but plans changed. Scrapped.

MY13 BRG, current daily, very nice to drive, small mods to make it even nicer again.

#19 El_Freddo


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Posted 25 June 2024 - 11:41 PM

CAMS don’t like sunroofs! At least not for rally.

You guys know of Settlement Creek Racing? When’s Stu was building his brumby he originally had planned to use a targa top unit he had - until he did a check with CAMS before proceeding with the build; they won’t approve a vehicle with a sunroof, must be a hard top. So he used one of his other Brumby’s to create his desert racer. The thing is wicked!


Shorter and more up close vid:


Check them out on faceblock “Settlement Creek Racing” I think they are…

End hijack!


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#20 allpaw4


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Posted 05 July 2024 - 06:49 PM

Ah crap, with all the server issues I've been having lately, I completely missed Tim's comment until today! Cheers dude, the time will come for catch ups soon! More than likely have half the upgrades will be on by the time we do finally catch up again lol

Is all good Bennie! Always good to watch some good builds on youtube! Kinda makes sense, especially for rally, a sunroof provides a good spot for nature to come into the cabin uninvited!

Door cards rocked up earlier this week, as well as a non-eyesight black hood liner, bought before I knew I what version of gen5 legacy I was buying. The eyesight version is still in a container on its way over.
Another couple of care packages from Kaiguys hit australia a day or 2 ago, so should have them next week once they clear customs etc.

Things are coming together.


MY00 Red RX, a nice daily that was sold off once the B4 became reliable...
MY02 Blue B4, aka 'The Project' - v8 JDM STi engine package and assorted other 'goodies' - Sold, then bought back for parts. Stripped and crushed.
MY03 Blue RX, the newer old daily, pretty well more B4 than RX now... In the process of being converted to the track toy... Watch this space!
MY02 Silver Wagon, H6 conversion, full blue/black leather and almost full black interior to go with it. In process of being stripped and sold off.
MY03 White/Silver H6 Outback, donor car for silver waghoon. Scrapped.
MY97 Silver RX, acquired to become track car, but plans changed. Scrapped.

MY13 BRG, current daily, very nice to drive, small mods to make it even nicer again.

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