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Member Since 09 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 30 2009 09:40 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Happy birthday Trigga and JB_Sube09!

24 August 2009 - 11:13 PM

Cheers Guys!

thanks heaps guys so much has happened in one short year! everyone keep driving and stay AWD lol now i'm a little older and none the wiser i've taken the ppptssssshh car to the drag strip and actually have a run down there now so if your a CQlder check out gladstone AWD just google it and check WRXtcy as well because the local drag strip runs a street car meet every month its $50 and you get just about as many runs as your car will handle!


18 December 2008 - 08:14 AM

Yeah the rex and i'll be eatin planty and drinkinig more so i can starve to pay for more parts. I'm starting up a project now since its getting work done. I'm starting to to together a plan of attack and a budget now.... its always better to look on the brighter side of things


18 December 2008 - 08:07 AM

crashed my car the other week its coming home from the holding yard today. i'll see how many bits i can tinker with befor i get it to the panle beaters. its a bad time of year no one has any time to have a ago its not evan going in until the 19th of january i reckon i'll have it done by the time it comes around!!!!!!!!

In Topic: Illegal Street and Drag Racing Legislation

04 November 2008 - 11:03 AM

this is what irks me to hell!!!!!!!!!! From the above link: The Hon. J. H. JOBLING "The Act has been in operation for less than six months and many of its provisions remain untested. Nevertheless some conclusions can immediately be drawn. The most important is that the Act has been a success.[with] The creation of new offences and the threat of vehicle confiscation provided by the Act has successfully broken up the large congregation of car enthusiasts [basically us people who like to hang out and look at cars instead of drink or fight], who have been described in both Houses as hoons and who previously regularly engaged in illegal, dangerous and disruptive activities such as street racing and performing burnouts and doughnuts" so at what point dose a car enthuisast become a hoon and as a "car enthusiast" i feel horribly insulted being lumped in with the doughnut drop skid laying bogans, i mean sure we have have our brain farts but come on they act like we're all out of mad max. i can compare it like this replace "car enthusiasts" with "muslims" and "hoons" with "terrorists" and it becomes yet another gross representation of a minute group within a sub-culture. these laws are not a sucsess due to a reduction in road fatalities in fact there has been no drop in fatalities and they continue to rise! poor drive education and training are whats at fault here but that would cost more money than speed cameras and wouldn't raise funding quiet aswell... Same with power restrictions i can kill myself in a deawoo matiz just as fast and as easily as in my rex!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Topic: The new 2009 Mazda 3 MPS

31 October 2008 - 06:56 AM

sorry to interupt the actual conversation but did anyone else see the masking tape and go "spiderman spiderman dose whatever a spider can".......