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Member Since 27 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 10 2008 04:24 PM

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In Topic: N/A 2.5 SOHC

06 November 2008 - 03:03 PM

Well for a starters I know how superchargers and turbo's work... but that isn't the point. The amount of bs splattered at varying people on this forum is utter c**p... Soop - sok I didn't take offense to your particular comment... Fact of the matter is that I just don't have time to devoting myself to my car's engine... If I ever upgrade my car it will be with a certain purpose in mind, usually to do something not many other's do, and I will pay someone to do it, cause I just don't have the time. I'M IN THE ARMY FFS And I think that I won't be frequenting these forums much anymore (not that I've had time to frequent them much) and purely because talking down to someone because you know more about something than they do is f**kn bs. >>Out

In Topic: N/A 2.5 SOHC

29 September 2008 - 06:00 PM

I just like Naturally aspirated engines. There is no why... I don't like Turbo's and Superchargers.

In Topic: N/A 2.5 SOHC

27 September 2008 - 02:48 PM

I can't speak on how difficult the conversion would be.
But provided you get an engine with the loom and ECU, I can't see it being too difficult.

I'm unsure how much power the standard EZ30r is capable of in standard form. Perhaps with some head work and a higher static compression ratio plus a re-tune, you may see 200kw@w.
Eventually the engine will run into the same reliability/economy/legal issues as the 2.5, but so will any naturally aspirated engine. It is so purely because of the way a naturally aspirated engine operates. To give you an idea 240kw roughly equates to 300hp. Generally the more top end power a naturally aspirated engine makes the less bottom end torque they make. So having a hugely powerful engine may not be the best option. But having a good compromise between top end power and responsive torque is the key to having a quick street car.
Perhaps contact Mav about his 3.0r Spec-B he may take you for a ride in it to give you an idea on how they function in a practical sense.

Honestly, before worrying about an engine conversion, I'd be looking into the suspension and brakes.
A lot can be gained by upgrading these components.

Cheers... I know about the problems with torque at lower revs... Yeah I would do brakes and suspension, but the thing is they're not that complicated, I'll probably end up being lazy and sending my car away to some mechanic with the new parts and engine block, dump money on him and go 'build'.
I just wanted to get an idea from the people who know and love Libs to clear some things up for me... thanks mate.

And you can guarantee I'll see Mav when I get back to Sydney (we grew up together)

Fact of the matter is I wanted to see how far my engine could get power before doing the aftermarket turbo thing... Although I still think I won't turbo... Can't stand em.

In Topic: N/A 2.5 SOHC

27 September 2008 - 02:16 PM

G'day matey.
I really hate to burst your bubble but you simply wont ever get close to that target figure. They simply will not do it.
You are far better off converting to a EZ30r if you wish to keep it Naturally aspirated. In standard form these 3.0ltr 6cylinder DOHC engines are making 150kw@w, or 180kw@fly wheel. This I believe is on par with the 2.0t GT.
And if I remember correctly is the same power output the V3 STi made.

To get an EJ25SOHC NA to make power will be very very hard.
You'll sacrifice reliability in a big way, your fuel bill will go through the roof and the engine will have to idle at 4000rpm just so you don't stall as soon as you let the clutch out and you'll have a 500rpm power band.

It just isn't feasible mate.

Yeah I thought it might be that bad... talked to a lot of the guys at work (for some reason a lot of Aussie Army engineers love cars) they basically said my car would lose it's street-worthiness and just die on me all the time.

(EZ30r) Yeah Xon has been wearing me down on that front... he may eventually win I think.

ill save you some effort, sell the car now before it devalues anymore and just buy a 3.0r/rb.

Yeah um no... It will be cheaper to convert later on... besides, I'm a bit attached to my car... :)

Reference EZ30r conversion, does the engine require more bonnet space? And how difficult are we talking...
Also on that line, what sort of power could I get with an EZ30r if I did stick to naturally aspirated... could I eventually reach the 300bhp mark, (I don't understand the bhp:kw conversion). Or would I run into the same problems as the 2.5?