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Member Since 27 Jun 2012
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Will guard rolling fix this at all?

17 July 2013 - 06:40 PM

Hi guys,


I lowered my car a while ago, I've had no issues with it at all, wheels don't scrub or anything like that, however I've jumped out of my car this morning ready for work and noticed a minor bump in my right fender, I've attached a image underneath and all I really need to know is how severe it is and how I can fix it, if guard rolling will fix the problem or whether it is too late. It's actually cracked a bit of the paint, so I'm hoping I can fix it asap. I'm under the assumption that it's because of some potholes because it doesn't scrape or anything when I drive over speed bumps or out of my driveway and things like that.


Also, a bit off topic, however I've been interested in buying a lip for my liberty, but I'd just thought I'd ask you guys what lips you like? I'm liking the Ultrex B4 lip but my model is a pre face lift and not sure if it would fit and if it would look any good anyway?

