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Member Since 09 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 02 2013 05:20 PM

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In Topic: resetting springs

03 June 2013 - 04:10 PM

well just got the car back its perfect barely lost any ride comfort. The height is perfect in the rear not to low that its going to be bottoming out still looks good only thing is the front could be possibly 1/4 of an inch lower but once theres someone in the car it drops to the right height, not to mention that the guy said the springs will settle down another 5mm so should be perfect then. and i know i what would have happened if i was getting coilovers i would have ended up gettin the best ones possible and set myself back triple the amount i just spent.


i would recommend these guys if people are looking at lowering there cars without the cost of coilovers or losing ride comfort



i would also like to say that they do make custom sway bars and things like that and are reasonably cheap aswell for a 22mm rear sway bar cost $260

In Topic: resetting springs

03 June 2013 - 01:31 PM

cost $450 and i couldnt justify spending nearly $2000 on coilovers 

In Topic: resetting springs

02 June 2013 - 01:10 PM

well he explained that i would actually save ride comfort. if i was to get new springs it will be alot harder, whereas if i keep the same springs it wont change much .

In Topic: resetting springs

01 June 2013 - 04:46 PM

ill admit my punctuation is terrible. i would just like to clarify i was never plannin or would i try and reset my own springs myself. but i decided to go to the person that was going to be doing the resetting, its store called kmac. After talking to the boss there i am pretty conviced the way they do it is fine. he told me that he could make new springs to suit but because the bilstein are already a thicker steel then stock that they would be perfect for resetting. he made a fair point of saying that people in stores are just salesmen and want to sell you a new product, and that he could sell me a new product that would cost more but wouldnt be any different, and that by using electricity to heat up the spring treating it the way they do it will keep the springs integrity as to if i was just chuck it in a oven or hit it with a blow torch

In Topic: replace side mirror glass

13 May 2013 - 06:59 AM

well i did some research and found out. thought incase anyone in the future needed it use this thread
