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Member Since 29 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 01 2014 11:31 AM

Topics I've Started

tar removal

04 October 2013 - 03:39 PM

hey guys. was wondering the best way to get rid of hard stuck tar on your cars paint.

wrx sedan Vs forester turbo.

01 October 2013 - 08:18 PM

Hey guys, i currently have a Gen 3 NA rx liberty and halfway through next year i finally get my opens and can go from NA to a turbo.


I am currently in the great debate over whether to get a a Forrester or a WRX/turbo liberty. I love corners so i was wondering what the handling is like in comparison between the forrester lowered and a sedan.


any and all input welcome!

Money money money

26 August 2013 - 10:27 PM

Hey guys, just throwing this idea out there. i have only been a memeber of suby club for a month, if that and i love the site and I am 100% for helping it grow and doing what i can to make it happen. Hencforth i am putting forward and idea. I am not sure how this would work, but It would be good if we could set up a paypal account for donations for things like stickers, members cars, subaru spotted cards, site maintenance/designs for site and logos and whatever else the administrators deem it should go to for the benefit of the club.


It could be a simple as donate or pay as much as you want with a minimum amount due to paypal fees. If a donation is over i.e. $5 or $10 we could have a sticker or card sent out as a thanks. Just an idea or it could be just a straight donation. Every 4 months the Admins/committee release a spreadsheet/outline of incoming donations and what they have been put towards so as so to members at ease to as what the money has been put towards and maybe encourage people to donate.


Just an idea, i know when i have cash id donate a bit to help it grow and make it a smoother process.



RX liberty and WRX suspension

29 June 2013 - 04:03 PM

Hey guys. i have been searching everywhere and i cant seem to find an answer. but i was wondering if A 2003 WRX springs and struts will fit on a 2003 RX liberty/legacy.