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Member Since 16 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 03 2014 12:51 PM

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In Topic: Subaru Global Movie - I want you guys!

24 January 2014 - 02:39 PM

I have some pretty crazy claypan footage somewhere on my computer at home. Will try to upload it for you. Aussie desert stuff.


Aussie desert stuff would be awesome! Please send it over as soon as you can.


Whats the latest we can submit? Us Victorians have a cruise planned for late feb


Sadly I need to submit the final cut to Subaru on Feb 24. So the latest I could accept footage would be Feb 12 or so.. Probably not in time for the cruise. 

That would be footage I would love to see though!


Tim, get in touch with Ryan Douthit (ryan@drivingsports.com). He's the producer over at Drivingsports/Subiesports TV. See if he'll let you use some of his footage. They do some pretty sweet work over there.


Thanks Tim! I'll send him an email now.

In Topic: Subaru Global Movie - I want you guys!

17 January 2014 - 08:51 PM

Shaz - Thanks so much mate. Real quality footage you got there!


fongy8000 - get involved mate!


Zig_zac - if you could pull off some sweet footage from a cruise, I would be forever indebted to you. I like the way you think!


Snootaloop - yeah, sorry for the late notice. i know it doesn't give you much time to pull it together.


SSIKness666 - It is video footage I'm after. I could probably sneak a few stills in, but only for that 360 degree spin effect when it cuts really quickly.

In Topic: Subaru Global Movie - I want you guys!

17 January 2014 - 02:42 PM

Good call on Shaz's youtube channel - there's some epic stuff there!

Do you guys know how to get in touch with him to get permission to use the content?


I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with!

If you need a little extra time, I can take submissions from you guys after the official deadline and up until Feb 12.

Feel free to drop me an email with any footage or ideas you have: tim (at) whitelie.com.au