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Member Since 18 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active May 14 2019 09:53 PM

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Need help locating Brant PC Board in B4

24 December 2012 - 02:10 PM

Hi guys,

Yep, its another Brant problem.

Bit of background first- in the hot weather my car quite regularly wouldn't start. The starter would crank but it wasn't getting any fuel. I diagnosed that the CEL wasn't coming on and the fuel pump was not priming. To 'fix' the issue I would have to take the key out, put it back in, try turning it to accessory to get the CEL light to come on about 10 times before it actually would!

I took the car to Boxer Service up here in Brisbane and they 'removed' the Brant system which appeared to solve the issue for about 4 weeks. Now all of a sudden the problem has re-emerged with a vengeance and its so bad that the above fix isn't working AT ALL. Ie my car is unable to be started due to the fuel pump not running.

(very close to burning this fricken B4 to the ground as I am so pissed off with it lately)

I am trying to locate the Brant PC Board module so I can do this DIY from rexnet:


Does anyone know exactly where it is on a MY02 B4 before i tear apart my whole dash looking for it!? I have taken off the glovebox and it doesn't appear to be where it is in the DIY for what I assume to be a WRX.
