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Member Since 25 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active Feb 15 2017 08:04 PM

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Power steering cut out?

27 December 2015 - 10:43 PM

Hey everyone


I haven't really posted here before but I might have a problem and i'm not sure exactly what it is. 


So I was driving home from work in my 1998 Liberty Silver anniversary, and the CEL comes on. I keep an eye on it, there are no sounds or anything. About 5 minutes later as i'm turning into a petrol station to fill up, my steering becomes really heavy, almost like when you try and turn the wheel while the engine is off.

Once I park I turned the engine off, and back on again. The CEL is off and the steering feels normal again.

I checked under the car for any oil or anything but there was nothing, open the bonnet and there was no smoke or smells or weird noises. Everything was normal again.

I tried to find the power steering reservoir but it was hard in the dark with only the torch on my phone, and i'm not super familiar with everything under the bonnet. Driving home after that was normal so I don't know what happened.


Has anybody had this happen before or heard about it happening before?

