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Member Since 15 Jul 2015
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2017 12:23 AM

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100 000km service = $1000...????!

11 June 2017 - 05:12 PM

Hi all,


Its been a while since I posted anything here but right now I've got a question/issue


My wife has a 2006 Imprezza 2.0R. It's currently done a genuine 92 000km (yeah,she doesn't drive all that much) and we've just had it serviced because the pulleys and belts were squealing like a banshee every time you started the car (it'd stop after a minute or so once the car had warmed up... a simple belt tightening seems to have done the trick...)


Anyway, the local Autobahn mechanic in Malaga Perth where we took the car said that the next full service at 100 000km would cost about $1000... As opposed to the more normal service cost which is a hell of a lot less than that.


So my query is...What the hell are they doing at 100k service that warrants a $1000 cost???...?! Is it really necessary?...! Does it entail 'preventative' service for things that actually aren't necessarily broke yet? Can we just go for the usual regular service (and cost) and be done with it?


Or is the mechanic at Autobahn just bullshitting her because she's an "ignorant woman"...? (Not that I'm much better mind, because here I am asking these questions)


Note that this is a woman who helped her brother back in Ukraine completely strip his Moskovitch engine down to the block and rebuild it... so she at least knows what the basic different bits of a car do if not the specific details of how to fix something that's gone wrong.


cheers for any help guys

