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Member Since 10 Sep 2015
Offline Last Active Dec 24 2022 08:51 PM

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In Topic: Drinking probem

14 February 2016 - 08:23 PM

Hi podmak

As everyone on this thread has said these engines were designed to run on 100 octane but in Aus models were tuned down to 98 (not to good of a tune I'll add) but it's because of the time when these cars were built there engines had a higher compression ratio (9:0:1) compared to a wrx (8:5:1)even more than a Sti (8:0:1 from memory) they did this to help primary to come on earlier and a the change happen quicker when secondary came on, they can be retuned for 95 octane but there can be power loss in doing so

Btw e10 in a B4.......well I wouldn't even put that in my lawn mower it's a very dirty fuel

In Topic: Water/Methanol injection

06 January 2016 - 02:39 PM

Have looked into from mount intercoolers before like the scarles kit, from what I have read of people installing them and yielding little gains in performance except a little less heatsoak but I'm keeping my mind open with it

Would love to do an e85 tune but that goodness does not reach us in far North Queensland :(

In Topic: Water/Methanol injection

06 January 2016 - 12:35 PM

I agree it is an Aus spec car with the AIDS tune so the would be a lot of benefit.
My thoughts are coupling the tune with the water/meth for an increase in timing, boost and being able to lean on it a little and a cooler engine.

In Topic: 6 speed conversion

06 October 2015 - 03:29 PM

6 speed fits no problem with as mosti said, i know gen3 auto tailshaft fits


I am running mrt exhaust dumps no clearance issues, and theres a hanger for primary dump that fits but not the other will need bracket made up easy fix


as far as what else is needed, 6speed clutch/flywheel, master and slave cylinders, your 5speed speedo hookup and 6speed transmount can use your 5 speed cradle as well as GD shifter 


front drive shafts are the same as well as your 5speed starter works with 6speed, theres a slim plate under clutch assembly that is different to 6speed





I do have my old 5 speed sitting around if interested.



In Topic: Heavy duty clutch kit for B4 & gearbox bearings

15 September 2015 - 03:15 PM

hmm not too sure about the whine it might be normal


They have a pretty good diameter size clutch so probably an execdy replacement and you can go for a heavy duty but it might not have as smooth of a pedal feel/have bit of shudder  and get the flywheel machined


As far as the leak the big one is rear main seal thats a given to change when the box is off it can leak given time


Also there is a small bearing in the flywheel that should be replaced at the same time