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Member Since 23 Sep 2015
Offline Last Active Oct 10 2015 12:56 PM

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In Topic: Very smart theives

09 October 2015 - 10:54 PM

I want to get an alarm that would wake up the whole neighborhood if those scumbags try it again

In Topic: Very smart theives

09 October 2015 - 10:52 PM

Is it a Gen 2 by any chance? 


They are not exactly hard cars to steal. Probably why it was a target.

They have no factory immobilizer or transponder key. 



My first Gen 2 was stolen and the guy used nothing but a large screw driver.

Got into the door with a screw driver, like your photos. Then smashed away the ignition barrel with it and started it that way.


Yes it is a gen2, im holding off mods at the moment because of this incident. im thinking about getting an alarm and immobilizer installed first or getting solex locks.



don't park in shitty suburbs where the shit-heads and dope addicts hang out?  I really don't know.


I had a previous car broken into (via brick through the passenger window) in order to steal $4 in change.  It happened while I was parked near in an inner-city hospital where my first son was being brought into the world.


Sponges on society, the lot of them.


EDIT - just noticed - they did this to both doors ? 

 Yes both sides, they used scissors.