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Member Since 21 Dec 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 04 2016 04:11 AM

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my old bg5 wont start

23 January 2016 - 07:12 PM

Hey guys, I'm a college student, I bought this bg5 from some guy, it wouldn't start, (and he was selling it at a throwaway price) I replaced it's engine with another ej15 I had lying around. Still, the car cranks but won't start. Everything else seems to be working well(lights, horn,A/c... not bad for a car that has been asleep for 3 years and counting)... what could be the problem? Any suggestions? I had installed some new spark plugs before I swapped it's engine, it still doesn't start. Any suggestions would be great.

is it possible to swap an ej20 engine with an ej15 engine on my 1998 bg5?

21 December 2015 - 06:00 AM

Hey guys, I want to install an ej15 engine in my 1998 bg5. What are the pros and cons? And what do I need to check when buying a new ecu for this new engine? Anything else i'd have to alter in the car'