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Member Since 01 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 29 2017 12:08 PM

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In Topic: RevD 3rd gen AUDM - This godforsaken machine is doing my head in

21 July 2016 - 04:25 PM

Glad it's sorted... yes we need the build thread. Given you want to stay twin trubo, when are the twin TD04s going on? That should do real well with E85!


It's going to need an STi 6-speed before that, I suspect - I'm going to have enough trouble with stock turbos and E85 on the 5-speed heh

In Topic: RevD 3rd gen AUDM - This godforsaken machine is doing my head in

21 July 2016 - 04:20 PM

Oh right, pics!


Click for full-rez:



I'll make a build thread soon I promise :P

In Topic: RevD 3rd gen AUDM - This godforsaken machine is doing my head in

20 July 2016 - 12:28 PM

Well, we can be pretty sure I'm the only person with ECULabs and flex-fuel on a DE revision.


Short version: I WAS RIGHT! Emmanuel added the various tables that look at what the original def called "load" to ECULabs Studio, I adjusted them, and now it stages at 4k rpm no problem.


Long version:


The tables are in injector duty cycle and multiplying the values for 4k rpm and above by my injector scaling factor (0.55) made the car stage just fine at 4000rpm. Some slight additional software upgrades are needed since for flex-fuel support this table needs to be multiplied by the flex fuel scaling factor, and needs to have a B map.


Unfortunately I don't have a log file for you all due to the logger not switching on when i turned on the rear demister, but suffice to say this thing hauls ass like a train.


Thankyou all so much for your help. At this point I should probably start a regular old build thread, heh.

In Topic: RevD 3rd gen AUDM - This godforsaken machine is doing my head in

18 July 2016 - 10:09 PM

Progress has been made. I am now relatively certain that the map for shifting into twin turbo mode is the issue here, and that it's related to the upsized injectors one way or another.


A kind soul has provided me with some more visibility into what's going on inside the ECU and what some of the maps ECULabs doesn't have defined yet are, which should be very helpful.


Kind of wondering how anyone else has tuned for E85 on a D/E with an ECULabs ECU though. I'm told I'm not the first person to do this, but I can't actually find any info about anyone else having done it, which would be very useful.

In Topic: RevD 3rd gen AUDM - This godforsaken machine is doing my head in

18 July 2016 - 05:17 PM

The more I look at it and play around with it the more I think that SPRV #2 opening map is the problem. It's definitely nowhere in the ECULabs Studio software, I'm waiting on a reply from Emmanuel with info on whether that's something he can find/add or not.


I'm also really unconvinced that the ECU wasn't modified before I handed it over (ie before I owned it) [EDIT: Most of the maps are stock or close enough to stock to be down to specific software revisions, so we can scrub this from the list of possibilities. Confirmed via nickknack's base .eld file copy.]


I actually have a JDM revD ECU as well (that came with the engine) so if it's possible to mess around with the stock ECUs then that might be worth trying, if only to read the maps off it.