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Member Since 15 May 2016
Offline Last Active Jul 26 2016 06:58 PM

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Good source of Exterior parts/ Body parts?

24 July 2016 - 03:00 AM

Hey guys

Been looking around online for a good source of aftermarket exterior parts for my 07 Hawkeye.

Primarily I'm just interested in a rear roof spoiler but also later potentially lip kit, skirts ect, and was curious about everybody elses dealings with purchasing such products.

Found a few places online that are potential goers, but was suprised when simply searching for "Impreza Rear Roof Spoiler" majority of first results were ebay/amazon.

So to anyone that has made a similar purchase, any suggested sites or even actual body shops (live in Melbourne)? Or even anyone with bad experiences so I know who to steer clear of.

I'm not entirely against an amazon or ebay purchase but I definitely thought I'd be buying from a very well advertised online store/website for aftermarket Subaru or JDM body parts.

Any responses appreciated, good or bad experiences. Was just a curious topic for me.

EDIT: Just a side note, will also likely make a replica post on some Subie Sub-reddits to try and compile as many responses.

