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Member Since 09 Jun 2016
Offline Last Active Jun 22 2016 10:43 PM

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In Topic: wagon だめだめ

14 June 2016 - 08:07 PM

well I'm generally pissed off and depressed atm.

Dont get me wrong I love subarus and I love this car I feel comfy (6ft4) and Im looking forward to modifying it in the future... the key word being the "future"




I feel I either bought a Lemon or I have been forked over by a dodgy mechanic.

I drove the car back from north gosford to campbelltown with no hickups great comfy car... I was so pleased with this car, Im currently unemployed and figured this would be a good choice for a nice reliable run about so I can drive it to interviews and around with no hassles.

the next day I noticed a little oil leak. I figured its a 324000km car of course it was bound to have a few little leaks here and there. and I figured to the right thing and take it to a qualified mechanic (which will remain nameless for the time) and give it a minor service for 150 dollars ... this ended up being a 1140 dollar job with all the gaskets getting replaced and a timing belt change... I was ok thats fine might aswell spend my money and make it last so i forked out the money and got the job done.

I took it home and forgot about it having forked out the last of my skyline money getting all the gaskets,service, and timing belt on. fast forward 5 days this was the first real time driving it  I had to drive from campbelltown to penrith to go for my learners motorbike test it only got to bringelly till suddenly the car started to overheat, the engine check light and oil light came on and smoke started to comeout of the bonnet and stalled.. luckily I got it running and parked around a corner (i hate being a arsehole causing traffic)....

I called up the mechanic (having no chance to get to the bike course *byebye 88 dollars)  and they got it towed to the mechanics and they now say the radiator failed and it will cost another 440 to replace..... I gave him what I owned him and forked off.

my Car was perfectly fine before taking car to said mechanic (other then the oilleak) now my car sounds like it needs a new starter motor and feels generally forked. Im so pissed off with myself.......


In Topic: Hey JUNE, don't make it bad ,take a sad GT and make it better.

10 June 2016 - 01:51 AM

Porkies has been boring for quite some time now.

are we talking about "the Sticking the penis into a drain hole while a overweight teacher  tries and yank it threw a dry wall" porkies

In Topic: wagon だめだめ

10 June 2016 - 01:48 AM

kinda like saying "Wagon oh shit I have soiled my pants with the rice of the emperor"

In Topic: wagon だめだめ

09 June 2016 - 08:58 PM

its da me da me.. kinda japanese slang for "fork no"

In Topic: awd or fwd?

09 June 2016 - 08:56 PM

You're just jealous you don't have guttering like iainmcnugget

yummy... but more of a KFC fan...... damn.....would go for 3 junior burgers, large fries and a coke right now.