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Member Since 24 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2017 02:27 PM

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Lost key desperation

24 January 2017 - 03:01 PM

Hi Subaru Fans,


My girlfriend has unfortunately now lost both keys to her MY11 Subaru Impreza.


Having spoken to two Australian dealerships near us, they state that they require us to deliver the car in order for them to cut a new key. (One states for coding, the other for locksmithing)

Unfortunately, this is not really viable, as our car is parked in a location completely inaccessible to a towtruck (rental property with gated carport off a tight alley way), and locked. Even if we could get into the car and unlock the steering column, it's pointed downhill towards the house, on a hill that we simply could not push it back up.


According to my own research, (http://subaru.locksm...nt_key_info.pdf) Given the VIN number they should be able to cut and code a new key remotely without any hassle.


"Provided the VIN is found in the database, the immobilizer Security ID along with the key/ cutting code will appear"


Does anybody know of a dealer (preferably Australian) that will be willing to do this given the VIN, and ownership verification (as the first and only owner of the car)?



