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Member Since 18 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 27 2017 05:50 AM

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Documentation papers

19 February 2017 - 12:19 AM

Hey there!

Typing from far away Norway, and the Suby-forums are much smaller.

I drive an 03 SG5 Forester XT, rebuilt with Ej207 w/twinscroll set up. Drivetrain, gearbox, brakes and all are from an 05 US STI Impreza.

Fantastic car in my opinion, shame its not approved and legally rebuild. Thats what I'm trying to do now, came a cross som helpful guys in Gemany, 

but still I miss things. I need documentation and TÜV-papers, Subaru Norway is not giving a hand at all, so there is no help at all.


Does anybody know of an coiloverset for the SG5 chassis? 


Dont know if somebody is sitting at papers with TÜV for gold-Brembo's?

Or documentation on the chassis, need documentation thats says that the Forester STI and XT shares the same body with no differences other than drivetrain and so on.


Also, I have a friend who has an original Forester STI from Japan, due to some pretty shitty rules in Norway, the car cant be registered here, has to go through ex. Sweden first.
He is searching for a registration document for a 05 Forester STI to use as an example for comparison with his, hoping for approval here i Norway.
Of course you can edit out name and personal information, just need the info on the car and so on.


Hope somebody can help me out here :)