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Member Since 30 Jun 2017
Offline Last Active Aug 12 2017 12:12 AM

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99 wrx engines

07 August 2017 - 01:55 PM

Hey all, havent been on for a bit but need a hand finding out where i can get a rexy crate engine in Aus. Got mine looked at last week and turns out after it over heated from the previous owner the heads have weakened to the point they are stuffed. So again my question is best place to get an engine EJ205 manual with relatively low ks (not to fased though) but also at reasonable prices and if its possible around the Brisbane area and a bit further north to Bundaberg as i can pick it up around these areas.
Cheers in advance guys.

Best way to clean the engine while its out and apart?

30 June 2017 - 07:25 PM

Hey all, know its probably been said before a number of times but hey. So I bought a 99 Impreza WRX off a couple of panel beaters and they had already pulled the engine out and basically apart. So i have 2 questions, 1st is there anywhere I can get a repair book like a Haynes mechanical or something of similarity (as Repco and the sort said there isn't a Haynes one)? And 2nd while the engine is out and basically apart what is the best way to clean it all off and get it ready for the overhaul I am about to in-bark on?