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Member Since 26 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 07 2017 12:41 AM

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In Topic: Help with electrical connection on car lift

19 December 2016 - 06:59 AM

Awesome. I'll check this out tonight when I get home. Thanks heaps for the help duncan

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In Topic: Help with electrical connection on car lift

18 December 2016 - 09:26 PM

This is great duncan thank you, I'm not great at this stuff, so I'm glad you are!

Just to explain; this lift is a little different to others i've seen... it has 2 solenoid activated wedge locks. There is no other mechanical locks.

I thought the electromagnetic locks would be locked on a timer to allow the carriage to pass by, but your explanation makes sense too. Only thing is 07 and 011 I'm fairly sure are outputs from the timer? The locks came with a pre wired tail and plugs, that also have on the end 07 and 011 on it, which makes me think they're timer controlled on operation of the lift?

There is an overhead micro switch which I can't figure out is no or nc, and where it would connect to stop the system as well.

I checked resistance on the motor and it's very low across the active and neutral connections (0.5 ohm from memory) without any connection. This seems strange as the coil shouldn't be making full contact between the poles? There are 3 connections inside the pump, I have neutral on 1 and active on 3, which is how the test wire from the factory was connected in.

The 07 and 09 connections have a dual pair wire a metre long with 07 and 09 on both ends. I was trying to work out where they connect, but am thinking if Y is the solenoid, and is 07 and 09 on ether side of it, that this should operate that valve once i've cut the ends and soldered them to the solenoid and connected to the bar. Since it's dc, it shouldn't matter which way I do that right?

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In Topic: Help with electrical connection on car lift

18 December 2016 - 12:51 PM

I apologise too. The schematic in my first post I believe is for 3 phase, the correct schematic was located inside the control box.


In Topic: Help with electrical connection on car lift

18 December 2016 - 12:47 PM

Thanks heaps for the help Duncan. I'm a plumber on my good days with some ac experience and plenty of 12v experience, but have difficulty going from schematic to actual. Most is wired up, with mainly inputs still to be wired in. Namely the 'clunk bar' (overhead cut off switch) which I'm not sure how it is wired in to cut off the relay, but know it is sb3.

The ac motor is single phase 220v, and I believe i've wired it in correctly (neutral on numbered bar, active to the bottom left on large relay output) but I am getting no resistance across the neutral to active wires, which doesn't seem right to me? Wouldn't that be a short?

The locking solenoids are connected to the timer, as you said, and are relay activated, as I understand, output 011 and 07 should activate these for the given time? These also don't show resistance across the wires when checked, but I'm not sure if that's right or wrong?

The switches are up, down, and lock.